Welcome to The Zone

The Zone, is an after-school program offered by the Metuchen Board of Education exclusively for students in grades 5 through 8 at Edgar Middle School. We turn unsupervised afternoons into time well spent. The program offers a variety of fun and safe activities, a healthy snack plus quiet homework time.

Registration and pricing recognizes your unique family situation; sign up monthly, just a few days a week or once in a while. We also offer free busing for your child to your home in Metuchen if you can't get to us by 6PM.

Our office is located by the back entrance to Edgar, just off the bus circle. Feel free to stop by. We are currently accepting registration for Fall 2015. If you have any questions, contact us at 732-321-5085 or e-mail thezone@metboe.k12.nj.us.


Roseanna Misuraca